Friday, December 28, 2007

birds of passage

Ingar Krauss is showing his photographs of Eastern European migrant farm workers working in Germany at Marvelli Gallery, through Jan 5th. his work has been compared to August Sander's, and i see the connection: black and white tradesman portraits from a German photographer... but i wonder if the intention is the same, or how the goals and intentions of such typological work have evolved in the past century. both men do seem to approach their projects fairly anthropologically. and Marvelli's press release for the show quotes James Agee's 1939 text from Let Us Now Praise Famous Men: "It is speechless, silent, serious, ceaseless and lonely work along the great silence of the unshaded land.”

on the flipside of all this photographic heritage, i see that Krauss's work was featured in a group show called "The Death of the Portrait," which is interesting given how classic his portraits seem.

and speaking of show titles, Time Out has decided that the gallery show is called "Birds of Paradise" instead of "Birds of Passage." slightly different intention there...

(seen in the New Yorker)

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